Christmas Icons: Buddy The Elf. Daddy Issues.

Christmas Icons: Buddy The Elf. Daddy Issues.

As we approach the Christmas season again, we seem to begin our annual hand-wringing about how secular Christmas is becoming. But we forget that many of the traditions of Christmas, including the date, have roots in secular society. Early Christians used these popular stories and activities to point the way to Christ. This series is all about doing that again—finding Christian truths hidden amongst secular Christmas icons. This week, we check in with our favourite North Pole worker: Buddy the Elf. His journey to meet his dad is hilarious, but it also touches on one of the deepest quests of the human soul—to find our identity and a place to belong.

Let There Be Light: John 1

Let There Be Light: John 1

Christmas Icons: Rudolph. Unwanted Hero.

Christmas Icons: Rudolph. Unwanted Hero.